Wednesday, July 28, 2010


  1. This guy is a IDIOT total loser please pay no attention to him or his insane ways.He needs to get a life or a job and quit worrying about others.If your that bored in life then maybe you should do something for good not evil.Remember GOD will decide when your day will come and how you will spend eturnity.

  2. And what goes around will come around to all the evil people who had no life and forced their false witness agenda against him. They need to gettalife or a job and quit worrying about him and his beautiful family. If they are that bored, maybe they should do something for good not evil. The Christian Hypocrites who bore false witness against Troy are especially heinous "people" who will get their just reward some time. God will definitely decide when their day will come and how they will spend eternity. In the meantime, suck it up you monsters................

  3. i am so glad someone is telling about the crap putnam co. is doing to people like myself i have the same thing happen to me many times but what can u do make a plea to stay out of jail or brake the bank on a lawyer i know for a fact i am going to court on the 28th or a lie that was told but i have on phone tape many threat on my life as of two weeks ago and went to the police i have yet for one to ever call me but if someone just said you so much as broke a windshild out they came and got me out of my house at 11 at nite toke me to the court house i signed a paper and was told find a way back to hurricane or u can go to jail and it was cold and raining i think it about time people know what is really going on!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Troy, everyone knows you post all the positive replies on here... goon.

  5. I don't put my name on here so you wont stalk me and my family like you do everyone else. Pittiful...
