Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kim Blair and her ridiculous search warrant.


  1. What goes around comes around. She will probably die a horrible death from cancer herself and her hubby will find someone new......

  2. We hear your point of personal feelings toward Magistrate Blair. My concern that you don't speak about is the harrasing phone calls that you so often make. Who did you make the calls to this time ? I feel so sorry for Roy that you feel you have to put not only your wife, kids, parents and other familys through your personal ordeals. You need to grow up,act like a man, and if you have something to say to ANYone. Step up to the plate and be a man.Don't hide behind your phone/camera. As for a painful death, be very careful .... for it's true , what goes around, comes around. And that goes for you too.And if you really want to waste your time....look and see who else has cheated in ANY goverment/job place..... They are not the 1st nor will they be the last!

  3. Troy did NOT start all this, dummie. Watch ALL his videos and you will find out why he made the phone calls. Most ANY man would have been driven to anger at the outrageous and false accusations made against him. Don't feel sorry for his family - his family fully supports him as he steps up to the plate and tells it like it is! He would love to go face-to-face with the Christian hypocrites who bore false witness against him - but the court will not permit him to go near them, dummie. How do you think Troy and his entire family feels about the 7 1/2 months he was not allowed home and NONE of the do-gooders offered any help with the 4 small children? How well would any one of you have done after having natural triplets when the older child was just 2 years old? Think about it, dummie. These children have NEVER been abused and have NEVER been injured whatsoever by their loving father, dummie. They adore their father and the two boys are in the gifted class at school. All the Putnam County do-gooders he highlites in his videos need to take a good, long look at themselves in the mirror............

  4. Troy is an absoulte idiot!! I hope everyone starts following him around with a camera to get all of his ridiculous actions on tape. You are an embarrassment to you family. Those poor, poor children. It is funny you hate on people who are only looking out for your children. You obviously do not really work, you sit around making videos of yourself "hating" on people doing their job. Why don't you get off your A$$ and get a real job, not one that your dad gets for you and puts your name on the door, and you block out the windows with black paper so people can't see what you are doing. You are SICK!!! and you put up crap on the web, thinking no one knows it's you, YOU ARE SOO STUPID... you are going to cross the line soon, and someone is going to sue your butt and I really can't wait till that happens. You are a mess, and I hate it that my children can hear you speak. Grown up Mr. Sexton!!! Get a real job, stop having your "daddy" take up for you all the time, and go work to support your children....your poor, poor, wife....

  5. Sounds like he got your goat! LOL!
    At least he's not on the public dole and a druggie like so many in Putnam County are, and no doubt, including you!
